New day

19/05/2017 00:20 | סילובאן לונג
I wake up
I make up
And take out
The heart that
You've seen

I lock up
And walk out
To throw out
The life that
We've built

Well it might be my thing
To linger in thoughts of our dreams
To hold on to what we could be
Had it not for the world's interferes

You wake up
Alone and
You check up
The phone but
It's real

You walk out
To look for
A sign that
I'm there but
I'm here

Well it might be our thing
To reach high and fall on our knees
To hold on to what might have been
Had we just changed a bit of our scene

I wake up
At home and
I see i'm
Alone now
I'm free

I spread out
My wings and
The dust flys
Away but
Not me

Well how might that be
That without you i'm hallowd yet free
That my wings fly away but not me
And the pain of our love onerous me

You wake up
At don and
The read shains
A new on
Your life

I get up
To work and
I gase at
The sky of
New day

Well it mast be that way
That in time we'll forget been there
What the barck of new day taks away
And again we can stap on our way

To the one that showed me how to tack a stap toreds love