
24/05/2024 10:45 | אינה

Those things i feard when i was a child

Still got a grip  on me. 

Those fears and suffering 

 Still give me nightmares. 

I thought i walked in a long dark tunnel 

Only to find out i was stuck in place. 

I never thought so many years have passed 

But im still here, crying. 

It isnt easy to live like this

I didnt move on, i didnt let go

I didn't even know i could. 

But now im learning and growing. 

Now im feeling and moving forward. 

Now the feelings that were too hard, and scary, overwhelming and suffocating before

I know im bigger and stronger than they are. 

Im not left alone to struggle anymore. 

Im full of pain but its not all i am. 

Im full of fear and anger, but i have room for more. 

Im on my way to a different place 

One i didnt know before. 

And thT too is scary. 

And yet i still move, bit by bit. 

One step at a time. 

Feeling, hurting, realising

Getting stronger.