יצירות אחרונות
שִׂמְחָה לַיְּהוּדִים בְּשׁוּשָׁן/ מאת: אהובה קליין (c) (1 תגובות)
אהובה קליין /שירים -14/03/2025 15:37
שופוני (2 תגובות)
אודי גלבמן /שירים -14/03/2025 11:47
רֵאשִׁית אַהֲבָה (4 תגובות)
רבקה ירון /שירים -14/03/2025 11:10
מסכה (3 תגובות)
עידית אורדן /שירים -14/03/2025 09:45
הַמַּחְשָׁבוֹת שֶׁלִּי (9 תגובות)
אביה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:45
על באמת מעריכים (5 תגובות)
דני זכריה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:10
אתה המשורר (3 תגובות)
צביקה רז /שירים -14/03/2025 00:44
two roses bloomtwo roses bloom I will sing on a rose Two roses bloom two roses bloom The day was far in site One white and shine two red and kind In one garden attached to each other Nothing seems to be in their way and bother When the morning arose Open his eyes – the white rose Evening came the day fade away The red had close his eyes and went in shade
And in the nights and in the nights The winds had blow without a fright They dance and grow as little hand Had put out one rose from the land And no one knows until today Has the white and red had gone or stayed And only known about the left His heart is shake pain and brake There where many years ago Two roses bloom two roses bloom The day was far in site One white and shine two red and kind
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