יצירות אחרונות
שופוני (2 תגובות)
אודי גלבמן /שירים -14/03/2025 11:47
רֵאשִׁית אַהֲבָה (3 תגובות)
רבקה ירון /שירים -14/03/2025 11:10
מסכה (3 תגובות)
עידית אורדן /שירים -14/03/2025 09:45
הַמַּחְשָׁבוֹת שֶׁלִּי (4 תגובות)
אביה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:45
על באמת מעריכים (4 תגובות)
דני זכריה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:10
אתה המשורר (3 תגובות)
צביקה רז /שירים -14/03/2025 00:44
בְּיַחַד נְנַצֵּחַ🌹🌹🌹 (10 תגובות)
שמואל כהן /שירים -13/03/2025 21:45
כל עוד פריחה בי (2 תגובות)
נורית ליברמן /פוסטים -13/03/2025 21:35
שיר השבוע - חֲצִי שָׁקוּל (6 תגובות)
זיו /שירים -13/03/2025 21:34
Batter in heavenShe stood there, nobody around.
she smells the death, she can't run away from it. babies cries, she dies. still feels the razor blade in her veins. its hurt! its hurt like living. all the tears like the ocean, quiet but telling alot. the pain, the broken heart going with her up there, to heaven. she wants to go to happy place, where the flowers is growing and never wilts, where the smile is never comes off, where the tears is frozen, where nobody can hurt her. she wants to forget him, forget from all. it is not such thing, love. love doesnt exist! she feel that way becouse its what she felt her entire life. her mother and father denial her, her boyfriend hit her and abused her. she could'nt take it anymore. don't you say that she killed herself for no reason. she suffered in life, maybe now she's happy up there. maybe someone love her up there.... תגובותהתחברותתגובתך נשמרה |