יצירות אחרונות
שופוני (2 תגובות)
אודי גלבמן /שירים -14/03/2025 11:47
רֵאשִׁית אַהֲבָה (3 תגובות)
רבקה ירון /שירים -14/03/2025 11:10
מסכה (3 תגובות)
עידית אורדן /שירים -14/03/2025 09:45
הַמַּחְשָׁבוֹת שֶׁלִּי (4 תגובות)
אביה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:45
על באמת מעריכים (4 תגובות)
דני זכריה /שירים -14/03/2025 04:10
אתה המשורר (3 תגובות)
צביקה רז /שירים -14/03/2025 00:44
בְּיַחַד נְנַצֵּחַ🌹🌹🌹 (10 תגובות)
שמואל כהן /שירים -13/03/2025 21:45
כל עוד פריחה בי (2 תגובות)
נורית ליברמן /פוסטים -13/03/2025 21:35
שיר השבוע - חֲצִי שָׁקוּל (6 תגובות)
זיו /שירים -13/03/2025 21:34
סימני דרך באנגליתWho remembers who may know? The right way back to my home Who the one that will be hearing And would always follow my tone With the clouds of the feather And the solid grown I stand on And the bell the bell the wonder That always protects my from wrong Hey look there some one is singing Hey look there soft melody Hey look there back to your homeland Where you want to be If I forgot how to go As all the years just went by Here and there in the road Some one is guarded me by One arrow with a color It is white and that's the sign And the wind is always blowing And I have another guide Hey look there some one is singing Hey look there soft melody Hey look there back to your homeland Where you want to be One strip is suddenly seeing Then I know I will just get by And a well a well of water Comes right in front of my eyes One goat that has the color As the quite beautiful night And only to the walkers They know just to wait for their sight Hey look there some one is singing Hey look there soft melody Hey look there back to your homeland Where you want to be Not alone I am in the road That comes right to my home I have always friends to watch me I'll never be on my own When the sun the sun is sinking With the soft melody They would know and would have told me What all the signs would mean Hey look there some one is singing Hey look there soft melody Hey look there back to your homeland Where you want to be תגובותהתחברותתגובתך נשמרה |